Plier type

Pliers hand tools for all types of maintenance work including circlip pliers, long nosed pliers, oil filter removal pliers, heavy duty pliers, circlip and lock wiring pliers essential for motorcycle competition security requirements

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9" Safety lock-wire pliers with 90mm handles, a must for track day or motorcycle competitor requiring to lock wire bolts
Maintenance typeLock wiring
Oil Filter Removal Pliers
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Oil filter removal pliers with 12" handles for extra leverage and 130mm jaws, ideal for easy and clean removal of motorcycle oil filters
Maintenance typeOil draining
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Fuel line clamp pliers are essential tools when working with motorcycle fuel lines to cut off fuel flow
Maintenance typeFuel system maintenance
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Longnose pliers with rubbers handles for extra grip features 6" long handles, ideal for inaccessible detail work
Maintenance typeMechanical parts maintenance
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Heavy duty 8" pliers with rubbers handles for extra grip features 8" long handles
Maintenance typeMechanical parts maintenance
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Diagonal cutting pliers with rubbers handles for extra grip features 6" jaw, ideal for cutting split pins, electrical cables
Maintenance typeMechanical parts maintenance
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Circlip pliers straight head pinned internal circlip pliers with rubber handles for extra grip
Maintenance typeMechanical parts maintenance
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External circlip pliers with 90 degree tip angle, use these pliers to remove circlips by squeezing the pliers closed
Maintenance typeMechanical parts maintenance
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Chain spring link pliers, a must for quick and easy chain links removal or replacement
Maintenance typeChain maintenance
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